As to the boys . . . truly they may just need to figure things out for themselves and the more hard labor you throw their way the sooner they may figure it out (i taught HS and community college for about 20 years). But, conversations about what they are interested in, what their dreams are, the things you and Todd have done with your lives, etc may spark something in them. With teens/young adults you often can't tell what is percolating under the swagger and seeming indifference to the world! It's their armor.

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Such an insightful comment. I heartily agree.

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That puppy and Velli just gave me the smiles

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All dogs are therapy dogs. Puppies especially.

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Veli and the puppy! ❤️ I don’t know if this is an option for the guys, but I took a proficiency test in high school that was the equivalent of a diploma. I ended up staying in high school anyway but it felt good to have that in my pocket. I went on to college after working full time for 5 years. I was ready then.

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Perhaps there is a vocational high school they can transfer to? The vokes in MA often have an ag program where they actually learn how to run a farm and handle cattle. We also have a forestry branch of the ag program, so kids learn how to handle chainsaws and learn how to prune trees and keep forests healthy. These kids would still have to go to high school every-other week for academics, but their time on your farm could be part of their co-op program in their junior and senior years. Usually knowing they can do "the stuff they like" gets them through their academic week. I teach academics at a voke, so these kids are my jam!

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How absolutely amazing that you have found the extra hands that you need with a BONUS PUPPY! I know you and Todd will love on these boys like you love on your animals. How amazing for them to get to know two adults who trust them. They will absorb more than you think.

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Can the boys set up their work for you as an internship/workbased learning experience so they can tie their work on the farm that they love to getting their diploma? In our district, we’d love to have them be able to present about work they’d found interesting and give them some mentorship to tie it to their learning in the classroom.

Just a thought from a high school teacher!

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This is a brilliant idea! And if needed, I bet they can connect a lot of farm work experience to curriculum in specific classes—wood shop, auto shop (truck/tractor maintenance?), biology, and math come to mind quickly, but I bet there are more. (I know a few contractors who wish someone had told them "I know math isn't intuitive but you're gonna need to use this every single day to build stuff" to give them a reason to stick with it.)

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Veli + a puppy is the best thing I've ever seen

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Oh YES !! Veli and the puppy! ❤️ I also took a proficiency test for high school , and passing it was the equivalent of a diploma. Took maybe a few hours on a Saturday , well worth it . I do think some folks maybe need the maturation extra years in school can provide, but some just are ready for Next .

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Thank you so much for the green spring photos, as as we start to head into autumn here in New Zealand after a pretty dry summer in my part of the country.

Hoping your farm boys find their way - great advice from your online community!

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Veli needs a friend :-)

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And another vote for a puppy!

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Get you a puppy!

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