This photo of momma and her floof babies is so perfect for the story you told! Thank you for sharing this with us. ❤️❤️

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When I was in Tennessee a few weeks ago, I started using Merlin. At one point while using it, I was thrilled to learn that I was in the presence of an indigo bunting — a shockingly beautiful bird. I never established a visual with the bird — but it was a nice reminder that beauty is everywhere.

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My mom acquired a flock of adult chickens then bought brand new chicks the next year. We kept them separated until they were big enough. In their separate house, they'd turn left from the doorway to their roosts. In the big chicken house, the roost was oriented to the right.

We checked on them during the first night in the big house. All the new little chickens were standing against the wall, having turned left ...just staring up wondering where the roost was!

We turned them around and never had trouble after that.

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Love every word you write and every thing you see

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Thanks for sharing the birding article! I downloaded Merlin a couple of weeks ago and have really enjoyed learning how to tease out the different bird sounds. I get irrationally excited when I find one that's out of the norm for the area.

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