Wow, congrats on the division state championship!! Woohooooo!

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Woo-boo, congrats for the win! Glad you had fun! Sorry about your kitty emergency but glad they could save him.

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Go State Champion! Love that pink bike👏💪😁

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Amortizing expenses over the expected life of a pet makes $$$$ bills a tad easier. $4000 over 20-year lifetime of ❤️ is 55 cents a day!

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We spent a similar amount on both our cats. Next time, we'll get pet insurance. But no regrets!

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My 1 1/2 year old male cat had bladder stones in September and 4K later I am ready to give my Tedtalk "Do you need cat insurance?" Love watching you win and organize your rides!

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ok we also spent $4k and I was thinking we maybe got totally ripped off because that is an insane amount of money but sounds like that is kinda normal? Damn, sorry you had this happen too!!!

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It was such a horrible lesson, like why would I buy insurance for a male 1 1/2 year old cat, now I know the male cats are predisposed and super common, so if it happens again, I talked to a vet and they said to bring him in asap and they can unclog it, like here in the office with some kitty stint, my mistake was waiting a couple days to clear up what I thought was constipation, it wasn't If it happens, like the tiniest symptom I am back in the vet, also my kitty is on prescription cat food c/d hills prescription for the rest of his life, that is essential.

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Congrats on the race and even more on being extra and having fun

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