Hooray for Chicki, and for you!

A friend of mine is a midwife, who also keeps chickens. I remember when I was pregnant (so many years ago!) one of her hens got an egg stuck, so she had to use her midwifery skills to solve the problem. Chickens!

I do so look forward to your weekly posts. Thanks for this lovely light window into your farm life, which invariably brightens my Fridays.

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I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if Chicki pulled thru. YES to tough old birds! 💞

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Same! I’m so glad she’s ok and did not realize I had such a parasocial relationship with a chicken 😂 Sending all the best snacks-down-the-right-tube vibes, Chicki!

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Oh what a scare! Chicki you are a tough gal! I’m so happy she’s okay. She’s my favorite chicken-philosopher.

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So glad Chicki is okay! Tough old birds are the best! We had two hens years ago, maybe 8 years old, who killed a skunk who tried to get into their coop. Never underestimate the power of a tough old bird!

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So happy to read that Chiki is still going strong! ❤️

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