Thanks for your newsletter. I enjoy it every week. One note - I assumed the Autostraddle letter was written by a fat-shaming lesbian, not a man, since it primarily serves LGBTQIA folx.

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you are totally right! My mistake! I have corrected the web version! Thank you letting me know!

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Such a heart-warming post today — I love your stance for kindness to others (feathered and otherwise).

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Your work is so kind and inspirational. Thank you!

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We have the yard flag version!!!

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We raised chickens when I was little. That's how a learned the phrase "pecking order". Mom bought baby chickens by mail order. They arrived at the post office, one day old. We put them in the basement under a heat lamp until they were big enough to move outside (but not big enough to live with the adult hens).

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True. I was assuming most of these eggs were fertilized, since roosters are about!

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Thank you again for a great Friday Affirmation. I’m baffled that chickens will eat eggs, though!

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So it actually makes sense if you think about the fact that the chick uses the yolk as nutrition as it grows! The yolk is not actually the chick (as I think a lot of us thought or were told?) The chick is a tiny little spot that grows and consumes the yolk in that process!

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