I just want to let you know how much I absolutely love the Friday affirmations. Thank you for doing your part in growing the love. And I appreciate how much I learn about farming from you. I don't think this is information I would have ever actively sought on my own, but I'm fascinated by everything you share. I'm sorry Benni's labor was so tricky but glad to hear everyone is doing well now.

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I wrote a scene for one of my books where the heroine helps deliver a calf... many YouTube videos helped, lol! But that thing with the towel... yikes! Strong nerves (and stomach) needed!

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Beautiful, thank you. Glad both are doing well. I had a brief flashback to a retained horse placenta, I think a wet towel was involved there too.

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What a scary and trying ordeal! Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you’d be tying a wet towel to a disintegrating placenta? Not once but twice?! At least Benni didn’t know to be concerned. Welcome to the world, Jett!

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