You bring me sunshine when times are grey. [Also, you bring hay. And I love hay.]
— Juliet
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
It’s seasonal affective disorder season on the farm! This week has been so grim with freezing rain, regular rain, snow, soupy fog, and now we’re headed into a deep freeze.
On about the third day of doing chores in ankle-deep mud with frigid fingers and alfalfa bits forever lodged in my bra, I realized my mental health was spiraling towards The Bad Place. I’m going to try and make it a priority to do *something* fun this weekend—and, if these grey days go on, you may just find me napping underneath the grow lights!
Keeping me going are these little green seedlings. Every time I tend them, I’m reminded that someday I’ll be back to spending warm afternoons in the garden.
Little Brown Chicken continues to survive—and, I think, heal. She is starting to get her legs back underneath her and no longer uses her wings for stabilization as she toddles along. This morning, I caught her perched up on top of a dog crate I’d given her to sleep in. Seeing her strong enough to fly seems like a good sign. I think I’ll give her a few more days isolated in my lambing stall before putting her back with the flock, but I am encouraged by her progress.
Here’s What I Loved This Week
The instant mood-lift of having fresh flowers inside when everything outside is shades of brown and grey. These beauties have been brightening my dining room table all week, and I am so grateful for them!
Housekeeping Note!
I guess Substack introduced a “pledge” option last week. (I had no idea this was a thing until I saw that many of you so generously pledged to support this newsletter.)
I’ve always wanted to keep Affirmation Chickens free, because I think everyone should have access to sweet farm critters and positive affirmations. That being said, I am also entering a totally new chapter of my life with a lot of financial uncertainty as I take over the farm as a single woman. (More on this in a coming newsletter, I’m not quite ready to delve into what’s happening quite yet.) As a writer, I have always had a “never work for free’ philosophy, but Affirmation Chickens is truly a labor of love.
If you made a pledge: Thank you so much. It was so lovely to see how many of you value my work. I’m going to think a bit about whether offering a paid option is the right fit for me. I love sharing this place with you all, and I love the notes of encouragement and support I get from this community. Knowing there are people rooting for me feels like reward enough. And please know: I’ll always, always, always have a free version that anyone can access because life is hard, and we all need more animal photos and encouragement in our lives.
I’m here for the animal photos and encouragement! Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️
I think I already said it in a previous comment; you and your dedication to your animals and farm are so inspiring. I LOVE that Little Brown Chicken had you as a caregiver and is now responding. Hang in there during the cold, gloomy days. I hope the clouds give some stunning sunsets!