Go ahead, tell me again why you don’t deserve self-compassion??? You are doing great. Don’t you dare tell yourself otherwise. — Henlenor Roostevelt
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
I left for five days and returned to my baby chicks looking like full-grown adults!
They’ve just about outgrown their mobile coop, and this weekend we’ll work on integrating them in with the Big Birds. And: Good news for all the ex-husbands out there: The guineas have entered their scream-y stage! (Which lasts for the rest of their lives! Things are about to get real noisy!)
Also in the “how did that happen in five days” category: When I left, this was a blossom. I got back, and it threatened to grow to baseball bat size if I didn’t pick it the moment I saw it! I can’t leave this place for a moment!
The weather has turned cool, and the rush is on to grow fall grass before winter sets in. Most of my forage is “cool season” forage, meaning it stops growing when soil temps are 75+ degrees. As September rolls into October, growth will pick up—but only if it rains. So far? It’s been really, really dry.
I’m trying to be patient. We’ll eventually get some rain. But boy would I love to see that fall grass flush filling in, and know that I have plenty of grass to work with for feeding these bottomless pits all winter long.
Here’s What I Loved This Week
The darkness of winter isn’t my favorite thing, but wrapping up my farm work a little earlier each week has one silver lining: I will soon have time for after-dinner crochet projects! This is the YouTube video I used to teach myself. If you’re looking for a cozy winter hobby, I highly recommend picking up a set of crochet hooks and a ball of yarn. If my ADHD brain can figure it out, I know you can too! (And I want to see what you make! Send me pics!)
I just love your work ethic and your determination! I think there's also an incredible love that you have for the farm and its many facets! Thanks for all the pictures, too!
Thanks for the glimpse into farm life. And the sense of humor.