Paltry talents? More like poultry talents!
Maybe you're not a falcon, you're just a chicken. Maybe you're not a doctor, just another liberal arts major. It doesn't matter: We all have talents we can put to work right now--even if it's simply staying home and caring for our loved ones, or making funny videos for your friends. Me? I'm laying as many eggs as I can for our local food bank. I'd like to see a falcon do that! - Sandra Day O'Clucker
Here's What's Happening On Good Spirits Farm
We're walking that fine balance of making sure all our clients have eggs and donating as many as we can to families facing hard times. The girls are laying like champs though! They're such stars!
This weekend we're picking up a bunch of native trees through a statewide planting initiative. We're supposed to be social distancing, of course, but the seedlings have already been dug up, and really need to be moved to their permanent homes. Nature doesn't wait!
I've been starting a ton of veggie seeds, but this week I took a minute to start seeds for things that will make me happy: Flowers, chamomile for tea, and lavender. I hope you can find time in these fraught weeks to do something that simply brings you joy.
Finally: I'm trying to provide as much farm content as I can for those stuck in apartment buildings. I'm posting it on my Facebook, the farm's Facebook, and my Instagram.