We’re all looking rather worse for the wear after 2020. But even if last year took your tailfeathers, know this: You are deserving of all the love and goodness coming your way in 2021. And: In time, feathers grow back. Here’s to a year of growth!
— Ruth Bader Ginsbird, who is now in the middle of her molt
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
Julia is on baby watch…kinda. The woman who we bought her from originally thought she was due January 5, but now thinks she may actually be due January 26. So….we’ll see! Julia was doing zoomies in the field with Gimlet last night, so I think she still has a few weeks to go.
This weekend we’re hoping to put the finishing touches on our mooternity ward. The previous owner of this farm left about 10 years of calcified poop in the stalls in the barn. It’s taken me three weekends and a lot of swinging a Pulaski to dig them out. Tomorrow, we’ll put down a layer of crushed stone, then top that with rubber mats and fresh, soft straw. If Julia needs help, or if it is bitter cold as she is getting close to labor, we’ll have a safe, warm spot for her.
We’re already thinking about next year’s babies! Because we just have the two cows, we’ll use artificial insemination this spring. I’ve been online dating on behalf of my gals, which, I am fairly sure, is more pleasant than online dating for humans. There are some strong candidates—tall, brawny, handsome, I think one even plays the cello and another went to the University of California, Bovine.
Here’s What I Loved This Week
One of my 2021 goals is to meditate every day. This week it’s been hard to stay focused; there’s just a lot to be anxious about. I have been especially thankful these last few days for the guidance of Headspace. (I’m currently doing the "meditations for anxiety” series, lol.) If you’re thinking of being more mindful in 2021, I’d suggest it as a good place to start.
UC-Bovine 😂😂😂
The cow jokes are just as good. Your newsletters pluck me right up! Always in a good moo-d after reading them.