Did I just catch you thinking negative thoughts about yourself? Put ‘em out to pasture! Ewe are strong. Ewe are capable. Ewe can get through whatever hardships life throws your way. — Juliet
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
The veggies are coming faster than I can eat them! Our first summer squash showed up this week, and a full-on cucumber assault is about to happen—there are so many tiny cukes on the vines! Of course, not everything is a win. Two things are really struggling this year: Our eggplants (they are always hard for us!), and the green beans, which usually do well. Basically, I started the beans too late, and the vines were spindly when the bean beetles showed up. If the plants are vigorous, they can hold off the munching of bean beetles, but they were just too small this year. Argh!
I can’t believe it, but it’s already time to think about starting our fall garden. I’ll start fall cabbages, kale, collards and spinach, and lettuce this weekend. In the south, the fall garden season is actually one of the most productive, but it’s a tough time of year because I’m always burned out from summer’s manic pace.
I have it on my to-do list this week to figure out the most cost-effective way to ship honey. If you might want honey from our farm, send me an email (ac.shilton@gmail.com), and I will make sure I get you info on ordering ASAP!
Here’s What I Loved This Week
The perfect summer poem, Knoxville, Tennessee by Nikki Giovani. I come back to this one every August when I’m feeling burned out on being perma-sweaty. There’s so much that’s beautiful about this season—sometimes you just need a reminder to go look for the good stuff.
Our green beans got snacked on by the deer, but we’ve had summer squash for a month. A lot of it. Eggplants do well for me!! They are kindly coming in 1-2 per week which is exactly how many we can eat. I have way too many collards so I’m going to try pickling them??? Apparently it can be done I’m just not sure what to do with them once I do. Haha.