Look at you, closing out another year of being absolutely perfect. May the sum total of your resolutions be to keep loving yourself, those around you, and, of course, snacks. — Goldie Hen, who very much loves snacks
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
You are probably wondering how I’m feeling about bird flu, and the answer is: not great. This is the third year or so where we’ve been on bird flu watch, so the threat isn’t new. However, the spillover into other species is concerning. (As is the FDA’s very lackluster attempt to contain the outbreak in cattle.)
Adding a small Farm Baby into the mix has definitely ramped up my anxiety. In past years, I fretted about having to possibly “depopulate” my entire flock. Now, I worry about that and what happens if we get sick in the process. [I am also gravely concerned about the large portion of backyard chicken owners who seem to think this is a government hoax, and that the Big Soap Industrial Complex is profiting off things like hand washing.]
Right now, I am trying to be as hands-off with the birds as possible. Usually, I clean their coop every two weeks, but I’ve moved that to every four. This Saturday, when I get to poop scoopin’, I’ll wear a respirator, eye protection, and gloves. Overkill? Possibly. But personal protective equipment never hurt anyone, and there are other diseases, like histoplasmosis and campylobacter, that chickens carry.
I’m beginning to rehab the horse pastures by moving the flerd through them. Horses are hell on grass, tending to eat the same little patches over and over again. By selecting—and re-selecting—their favorites, unpalatable species get the upper hand. The weeds then shade out the grasses we want. Within a few years, the pastures are full of brambles and burrs.
I spent the weekend fortifying the fences, trimming fence lines and adding additional lines of hot wire, since horses are much easier to contain than sheep.
The sheep, unfortunately, are taking the burr removal process far too seriously, and seem to have found every last burr in the field. Good job, Nurse!
In good news: Veli has been released from prison! It’s been 8 weeks since her ACL surgery, and, let me tell you: Eight weeks with a high energy, prefers-to-be-outside dog confined to a small laundry room is fun for no one. She went from this:
To reclaiming her rightful spot as the protector of the porch furniture.
Here’s What I Loved This Week:
I’ll be honest: I am am obsessive resolution maker. I love the idea that I can just be a little bit better every year. I always make these long lists of things I’m absolutely going to stick to this year—for real this time. But I loved this read on rethinking resolutions.
YAY Veli! So glad she's back to protecting the outdoor furniture. It's a long recovery and I still hold my breath every time my girl Juno gets the zoomies (she's 9 months post-surgery) but she's back to trail running and hiking and snow adventuring and it has been so, so worth it. Hoping Veli has a smooth road to full strength!
Glad to see Veli back on the beat!