Hey you turkeys!

This world is better with you in it. We're so glad you're here. (Even if you did just poop on the counter, like I just did.) Here's What's Happening At Good Spirits Farm
The meat chickens and turkeys have moved out onto the pasture, but it's been so rainy that keeping them dry and warm has been a challenge. Several times a day I go out to spread fresh hay on the ground for them, so they have dry spots to sleep. So far I haven't lost any to the dampness, but man I'd love to have a day without rain so everything could dry out a bit.
It's officially the time of year when there is no extra time. I try to remind myself when I'm still out working at 8:30 p.m. that this doesn't last forever--just, you know, for the next five months or so.
The corn and sunflowers are in the ground, and the strawberries and blackberries are starting to form on their vines. Summer is on its way!