You’re perfect just the way you are. — Baaaah-atrice
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
Well, I must have goofed on my math for Julia’s due date, because she’s now woefully overdue! This actually happened last year too, for both Benni and Julia—and then both deliveries went fine. So, it must be our new farm tradition? I’m watching her closely, but who knows when her baby will arrive! Is she even pregnant??? It’s anyone’s guess! Stay tuned!
We finally got some much-needed rain after an unusually dry March. Expect the unexpected seems to be the new norm for farming through climate change. Our pastures are about three weeks behind where they were last year growth-wise, which means I’m still feeding hay. I’m glad I over-bought hay last fall because I’m nearly out. We could really use two solid warm weeks to get everything growing.
Poor Squeakers seems to have hurt her leg yesterday. We found her lying in the coop, totally motionless last night. At first we thought she might be paralyzed—she looked so bad just splayed out on the ground, but she does seem to be able to move her feet.
Veli would like it noted for the record that (this time) she had nothing to do with Squeakers getting hurt. We put Lil’ Squeaky in a dog crate for the night and are hoping she just took a tumble off her roost and she’ll be back to her little silly self in a day or two. Please send her your best chicken recovery vibes!
Here’s What I Loved This Week
I don’t watch a lot of TikTok beauty tutorials, but this one is the best yet. (I had no idea red light therapy is even a thing before this but now…I need one of these just for creeping out my husband?)
That TikTok tutorial is the best! Sending healing vibes for Squeakers.
Here's to a speedy recovery Squeakers!