Hello, Dolly!
Hope looks so good on you. Wear that confidence in your future like it’s a beautiful coat of feathers. I just know good things are coming your way. — Dolly PartHen
Here’s What’s Happening at Good Spirits Farm
Thank you so much to everyone who filled out our survey! I wish we had the time and energy to tackle all the things we want to produce here, but it really does help us focus our efforts to know what people want.
We ordered our seeds for this spring, and if you’re thinking of starting seeds for a garden, you need to order yours, too. Seriously, there’s already a run on seeds. Don’t wait too long!
Likewise, it’s time for us to order some more chicks! We’re adding a second flock, which will travel behind where the cows are grazing. The chickens scratch through cow patties hunting for fly larvae and hopefully keeping our fly populations under control. Our current flock is MUCH too used to being able to just knock on our back door when they want treats to be moved out into the pastures, (and honestly we’d miss them!) so, we’re bringing on 15 new hens. The babies should arrive in March!
Here’s What I Loved This Week
There’s so much I loved, but I bet a lot of you all loved that stuff too. So my less obvious choice for this week is…this recipe for butterscotch pudding from the New York Times. We try really hard not to waste any food here—growing your own makes you a zealot about wasting nothing. So if I ever have milk that is marching towards its expiration date (note: not milk that is already sour!), I make it into pudding. Maybe the cooking process keeps it from actually going sour, or maybe we just gobble up the pudding too fast for it to go south. Either way, this is a perfect January comfort food.