You are dignified. You are bold. You are loud as sh*t. Always let your voice be heard! — Our guinea flock who wants to scream-ily remind you that this upcoming election is really important.
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
The poor chickens are going through their annual molt. Each year, it feels like everyone looks kinda rough, but a few chickens really Go Through It. This year, two of our American Bresse are walking around looking like Tim Burton’s interpretation of chickens. Just in time for Halloween!
The poor rooster has caught fowl pox (a benign virus that causes warts on their beaks) at the same time as losing most his tail feathers. It feels like insult to injury as our other rooster slowly makes plays on all this guy’s lady friends.
While the chickens are looking a little ragged around the edges, the rest of the farm is in peak fall beauty.
And all the critters are enjoying these 70-degree, cloudless days.
Including, of course, Juliet, who never misses the chance for a golden hour photo shoot.
Here’s What I Loved This Week
We have discovered the magic of baby wearing. Farm Baby isn’t real keen on napping alone in his bassinet. But wrap him securely around my chest and he’s instantly asleep, giving me an hour or two to try to get a few farm things done. Farming definitely looks a little different right now. We’re in survival / just keep everything alive mode, versus actively growing any part of the operation. But it’s also so special to get to share this place with him—even if he’s too young to really understand what he’s actually seeing.