Roses are red, my comb is red too, I think you should skip out of work early today, you deserve a break, you really do! — Elizabeth Cady StantHen, who is pushing hard for a four-day work week.
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
I’m hoping to merge our sheep flock and cow herd into one big, happy “flerd” in the next few days. If I can make this work, it should cut down on internal parasites, as cows are not vulnerable to the same worms sheep struggle with and vice-versa. When one species consumes the eggs of a worm that doesn’t use it as a host, it interrupts the parasite’s life cycles, lowering the parasite loads in your pastures. Merging into a flerd will also hopefully cut down on my work. Right now, I have to move two temporary pastures—plus two water tubs and mineral blocks—each day. Only having to move one will feel like a treat!
I’m working on socializing Juliet with the other sheep and, well, it’s going to be a long process. She is absolutely terrified of them. Honestly, I can’t blame her. My sweetest (to me!) sheep mama gave Juliet a giant head bonk and sent her flying the first time they met. (Juliet is okay, but her suspicions about it being better to be a house lambie forever have been confirmed.)
Because I am a glutton for punishment, I am considering doing a small batch of Thanksgiving turkeys for local friends and neighbors. Do I need more work? Absolutely not. But I have one empty chicken tractor, and it seems a shame not to put it to use. (Clearly I am missing the above messaging on the four-day work week!)
Here’s What I Loved This Week
Farm honey drizzled over whole milk yogurt, with a sprinkle of this granola and a few farm-grown blackberries on top. In my book, there is no finer breakfast.