You are absolutely magnificent. Head to hoof, a true masterpiece.
— Juliet
Here’s What’s Happening At Good Spirits Farm
The shots have been given, and the hooves have been trimmed. It was long, hard, hot and stressful, but with a little help from the very wonderful guy I’ve been seeing, the work got done.
Beatrice was sure she was going to die.
But then she decided she secretly liked being hugged by Todd. (Me too, Beatrice.)
This week I was reminded of the fact that, no matter what I think, nature really runs this show. These poor baby birds were just about to fledge. I briefly thought about intervening when I came across this scene, but snakes gotta eat (and also, I was probably too late).
These next few weekends are all going to be so busy. The honey has to be harvested, I need to get a shipment of hay delivered, and the garlic, onions, beets, and carrots all must be pulled out of the garden. If anyone ever wanted a working farm vacation, now’s the time to speak up! (Emphasis on working!)
Little by little, I know I will get it done, but boy, does the next month feel a little overwhelming as I stare down my task list.
Here’s What I Loved This Week
This tiny little turtle we found while on a hike behind the farm. I had to add the black-eyed Susan for scale to show just how itty bitty he was! Hi buddy!
Okay, first off: You don’t let the grass grow, do ya? You just sorta slide that Todd reference in like we wouldn’t notice? We all knew you wouldn’t be on the market long. Go, girl!
Second, bummer about the birds, and, I am not sure what would be done to get him out of the nest anyway. I sure wouldn’t be grabbing his tail!
Last, I will never attempt “hobby farming,” or any farming. I saw enough growing up, and your newsletter has cured any notions that I might have had.
But I sure admire how hard you work. Amazing.
Keep keeping on. I will try to remember to click thru now that I’ve left Twitter.
That picture of the snake in the bird box got me *shook.*
I'm glad the hard work of hoof trimming is done! Magnificent!